There were 20 girls in my yr 2 class and all of us wanted to play imaginary games, Animals, fairies , princesses and more we all wanted to be someone new every day, oh except for me I was always a horse.
We would build tire "castles" around the trees on the field. When the grass was freshly mowed we would be grass war enemies 10 girls on each side and a queen to send us forward it was our job to protect the queen and her tire castle. If we weren't so lucky we would get captured and had to find a way out of the tire prison, this would result in an argument about wether the person escaped correctly and then an even bigger grass war but this time there would also be water and we would try to avoid getting wet, there would be shouts of "HEY!", "I'M TELLING!" and "STOP IT!" the teachers would growl, "oh oh" all of us thought then we would look around for the squirming tattle tale who told the teachers and we would get banned from playing that for the rest of the day sometimes the whole week! But we would always come back for more.